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⚡️ BATTLE BULLS är ett spännande stridsspel att spela för att tjäna! Spela, vinn och få belöningar!
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Som spelare har du allt att vinna men kan aldrig förlora något. Men skynda på att gå med för så fort du anmält dig börjar dina poäng öka fram till 1;a September. Bjud även in alla kompisar du har
It's a rush, we take everyone on a first come, first serve basis and only accept 100 registrations in this round. If you do not join now, you will keep your place in the order of the queue. If you receive a link, all you have to do is fill in your information and then you will receive a detailed description of how to proceed. If you have any questions, please contact us or support. Good luck
SMART BLOCKCHAIN is a registered trademark of SMART TECH B LLC. Its use does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by it.
The SMART BLOCKCHAIN image was created via a logo contest. The SMART BLOCKCHAIN is a registered logo and brand identity. Its unauthorized use is prohibited.